Whats the best part about being a Gigi??? Why... it is getting to sit on the side lines cheering on your newphew as he is the shining star up on stage ringing his bells and singing his little heart out!!! well.... ookkkk... you got me! It wasn't the side lines and he wasn't the only kid up there... and well yes he might not have sung at the top of his lungs!!! BUT-- he is one heck of a bell ringer!!

(The big star before his performace)
I was blessed enough to be invited to his annual Indiana Ave PDO christmas program this morning!!!! Each class gets up and they sing along to christmas music!!! They either shake shakers or ringing their little bells!!

(in his class room before hand... finally stood still enough for a picture!!)

Here is the proud mama of 1 and a 1/2!! HAHAH Amanda and Brinley!!

Here is TB up on stage... I couldn't be any more proud! Last year I think he stood there in total shock!! Apparently he was in total Christmas gear this morning... but after a brief incident with toohpaste and mouth wash he had to change his shirt!! HAHAH Takes after his geeg!!

... and here he is after his big singing debute!!! Very humble!

He and his 'Pada'!! Our kids have some of the best grandparents.. NEVER miss a thing!


Of course he had to 'refule' after such a daunting performance! I went and stole him out of class to get a cookie... Hey! What else is a Gigi for?!

.. and the best aunt EVER!!! Too bad I had to hold his face to take this picture...

He is back in class... safe and sound!!!
AH! I love the holidays and all the random little thigns that come with it! Once christmas event down... only a million more to go....
until next time... CARPE DIEM!
**Note: No children, munchkins, adults ,and/or christmas trees were hurt in the making of this program and blog!**