.... "I prefer the christmas jesus".... one of our favorite movies in the family! My sister can recite the WHOLE conversation and she is actually pretty dog-gon funny when she does it! I have had about all of this freaking heat I can take. I might have to start running errands in my 'skivvies' if you know what I mean ::wink wink::!!

Here are a few pictures from easter.... or as my dad would correct you "Resurrection Sunday"....! I just wanted one freaking good picture.... this is what most of them looked like!

And..... so I stepped in... I am pretty sure Nick-o was being bribed.... and Charli... well WHO KNOWS! ! Princess does what she wants when she wants and how she wants... reminds me of someone I know...... hmmm.....

AH! And there is the Goliath costume... THANK YOU AUNT NANNIE! This has brought hours of entertainment in out house.... Although- J won't let him wear it out of the house! I fail to see the problem with it.... ;)
That is all you are going to get out of me tonight.... trying to get better about updating the blog....
Love it, Gigi! That first picture is what every momma has gotten at one time or another when having her kids dressed up and wanting a good picture! LOL (Remember the one of all of us grandkids at the Dallas Hagens' house when Christina was a baby? CHAOS ;)haha Thanks for sharing!!